
At Westbury Leigh, books are central to our ethos of writing: a good writer is also a passionate reader. Writing is a journey an author must go on with several stages to develop their craft and good writers can write for a range of purposes. A writer can entertain, inform, persuade and debate all around topics that link to their lives. Westbury Leigh aims to make all pupils writers, attaining age related expectations but developing skills in greater depth through their use in developing independence in their writing. 

Our curriculum will

  •     inspire children to learn about themselves and their place in the global community 
  •     aspire to be challenging, relevant and meaningful 
  •     achieve the best outcome for every child

Writing Policy 2023-24

At Westbury Leigh, books are central to our ethos of writing: a good writer is also a passionate reader. Writing is a journey an author must go on with several stages to develop their craft and good writers can write for a range of purposes. A writer can entertain, inform, persuade and debate all around topics that link to their lives. Westbury Leigh aims to make all pupils writers, attaining age related expectations but developing skills in greater depth through their use in developing independence in their writing. 

Intent:  Our aim is to create passionate writers who develop an independent writing style that covers the broad range of writing genres needed to be successful in life through linking to issues in the world around them as well as a chance for pupils to explore their own interests.  

Implementation:  This will be achieved by developing a structure of lessons based around a topic as a background to their writing and will run parallel with a range of high-quality texts that will support their own body of work. Writing will be produced around four main audience genres:  entertaining, informing, persuading and debating.  We use Pie Corbett's "Talk for writing as a starting point and then develop this as children move through the school.  "Letter join" is used for handwriting and spelling from the literacy shed follows the phonics programme into KS2. 

Impact:  All children will be able to make progress regardless of barriers through developing support and extending those who are beginning to master their craft. The knowledge they build throughout the topic will allow all pupils to have a strong foundation of knowledge to be able to constructs texts that serves its audience. 


RRS Article 28 - You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can