
Oracy enables children to make sense of their thoughts by developing an understanding of language. It is critically important and is the bedrock to support the ability to communicate. Taught well, oracy can permeate pupil’s lives both in and out of the classroom and will become a lifelong skill. Through this, children will learn to discuss, debate, make speeches and talk like an expert and present themselves effectively and coherently. This policy will set out how the subject should be taught and sustained through teaching and learning.  

Our curriculum will: 

  •     inspire children to learn about themselves and their place in the global community 
  •     aspire to be challenging, relevant and meaningful 
  •     achieve the best outcome for every child

Intent: We want every child to be successful, fluent speakers which will feed into writing by the end of Key Stage Two and we believe that this is achievable through a combination of structured, high quality Oracy teaching combined with regular opportunities for practising and developing oracy skills in a variety of groupings, settings and purpose, backed up by consistent ground rules. The teaching of oracy is a key strategy that is used to help our children to speak and ultimately write fluently and succinctly. 

Implementation: Oracy is taught and practised through a weekly session linked to the debate question of the topic.  It is delivered in a variety of ways using different groupings as set out in School 21 resources.  In KS2, debating and speech making is a part of the oracy planning as well as opportunities to use subject specific vocabulary  Progress is monitored and built into English or through subject –specific vocabulary.   

Impact: High quality speech making and debating ensures all children have the opportunity to give voice to their opinions and thoughts and this is reflected in the quality of their speaking and vocabulary and their ability to use words in a structured way for sense.