Inspection Reports
As a school, we embrace a culture of continuously improving what we do; we welcome feedback from others in helping to build our strength. It is key to remember, that an inspection report provides a snapshot in time and that the work we do ensures we are always evolving and improving.
The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist schools (SIAMS) inspection focuses on the impact of the Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish.The Evaluation Schedule has one inspection question: how effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?
Our last inspection was in 2023, and we were judged good.
See our most recent Ofsted report using the links below.
The Ofsted report describes Westbury Leigh Primary as an ‘improving’ school with many good features. It praises the behaviour and attitudes of children and commends the school on how well children are developed as well rounded individuals.
Pupils are welcoming and friendly. They try hard to do their best and live by the school’s Christian values of respect, responsibility and courage. Staff develop positive relationships with pupils based on trust. Pupils are confident to report any concerns they face to adults. This makes them feel safe.
The impact of Covid on school working due to significant absence has been huge for the school both during the pandemic and in the aftermath of this. Ofsted recognises that leaders are clear about what needs to be done and that momentum is shifting this but that it is too early yet to see fully the impact of this in all areas of the curriculum. Reading, maths and Early Years are a strength and the school requires improvement in securing this consistent standard across the some aspects of the wider curriculum in order to be good.
The report itself contains many positive comments about the school and I encourage you to take the time to read it in full. For example:
- Pupils behave well and bullying is uncommon
- Staff sort out issues promptly
- Pupils have a voice in the school and feel listened to
- They are proud of the responsibilities they undertake and make a positive contribution to the school and their community
- Reading is a high priority across the school
- The maths curriculum supports effective learning
- Pupils with SEND receive the help they need and there is effective pastoral care
- Many parents and carers support the school
Our key priorities for improvement are:
- Improve preciseness of curriculum learning in some foundation subjects
- Develop the use if assessment in some subjects so deep knowledge is gained
- Explore ways to further communicate with parents
Without doubt, the inspection team noted the hard work and impact of leaders and staff this year and that the work being done to improve further; they were confident that Leaders were well placed to achieve these improvements.
Use the link provided to give your views on our school: