Communications and Finance


  •     School Gateway is the way the office will communicate with you as parents and carers the will include messaging, e mails, permission slips for trips, Tribe bookings, school dinners and clubs.  You can sign up here.                                                                                                                                  School Gateway Access Guide 
  •     Class Dojo is used for class teachers to communicate with parents and to send key reminders from the office.  You can sign up here and the teacher will invite you. 
  •     Google classroom is used for home learning and you can sign up here
  •     The website is the main source for information about the school. 
  •     Communication with the office or if you want to contact a member of senior staff, can be done via the office.   
  •     If you have a concern speak to the class teacher or member of staff directly in the first instance.  Any concerns not resolved at this point should be directed to our complaints co-ordinator who will identify the best person to address them.  The headteacher will then deal with any concerns if they are not resolved at this stage. 
  •     If your details change at any point, please complete a data sheet here and send this to the office.   
  •     If you are not sure who you need to liaise with - contact the office! 


School Gateway

School Gate Way is our online payment system, where parents/carers are able to make easy and quick payments towards trips, school events Tribe and school dinners.

To set up School Gateway visit here for more information.

School Gateway Access Guide - Update