Our School Uniform
To help promote a sense of school community it is important that pupils dress appropriately for the academic learning environment within Westbury Leigh CE Primary School. We therefore encourage everyone to wear school uniform. Our school colour is red and our uniform has been designed to be affordable and easy to source.
School uniform must be worn in school and at events where the school is being represented. This is usually indicated on letters to parents for each event.
Please note that at Westbury Leigh CE Primary School we do expect pupils to wear their school uniform correctly at all times.
If you are in any doubt of what is or is not appropriate uniform then please contact the school office for clarification.
Our school uniform consists of:
During Autumn and winter terms:
- Red school sweatshirt/ red cardigan with the school logo/or red cardigan/red sweatshirt
- Polo shirt, shirt or blouse - white or red collared with either long or short sleeves
- Plain black or grey trousers (no denim jeans, tracksuit bottoms, leggings or skinny trousers)
- Girls can also wear plain black or grey skirts / pinafores which should be at or below knee length (no mini or fashion skirts)
- and be worn with plain white / grey or black tights or socks (socks must be worn at all times and tights made of a sensible material)
- Plain black sensible shoes with either buckle or laces
- Plain coat - in school colours
We recommend that pupils bring in raincoats during the Autumn/Spring terms.
During the Summer Term:
- Plain grey / black shorts knee length
- Red checked summer dresses (dresses should be knee length and no shorter)
- Sunhats may be worn in the summer and these should be in school colours please (no fashion logos)
For reasons of health and safety we request that children wear sensible school shoes (not trainers, boots or heels) and that a belt or jewellery is not worn for school, with the possible exception of small stud earrings in pierced ears, which the child must be able to remove for PE, unaided.
Watches may be worn but must be plain and inexpensive.
Jewellery and makeup are not permitted in school.
Hair which is longer than shoulder length should be tied back.
A printable uniform list is available HERE
PE Kit
When children take part in PE lessons they must wear appropriate PE kit for safety. This is:
- White t-shirt
- Black or grey shorts
- Black daps or trainers (if they can tie laces)
- One piece swimsuit or swimming trunks above the knee (not baggy)
PE Kit should be stored in a drawstring bag. We expect children to have their PE kit in school every day.
All items of uniform, PE Kit, school bags and other personal belongings must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
How to order
Generally, items are readily available at large supermarkets for a reasonable cost.
All of our school uniform, as well as book bags and PE kit bags with the school logo are available from our main stockist Scholars, at both the Trowbridge and Warminster branches.
Second hand uniform is also available to buy from FOWLs (Friends of Westbury Leigh School). For more information please contact the school office.
Lost Property
Lost something?
For lost property that has been labelled with the pupil's name and class, it will be returned to its rightful owner when found. It's therefore important that all property or personal items are fully and clearly labelled.
Any property that has been found unlabelled will be held by a teacher in the class room.
Lost property that is not claimed after an extended period will eventually be either donated to the second hand shop run buy FOWLs or will be discarded.